Fra feiringen i Grieghallen i Bergen

den 20. til 22. juni 2023

The 2023


150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus

Den 20. juni var det offisiell mottakelse i Håkonshallen av

Bergens ordfører Linn Engø.

Den 21. og 22. juni var det kongress i Grieghallen med deltagelse av blant annet helseminister Kjerkol, Margareth Hagen, rektor ved Universitetet i Bergen, FN utsending Alice Cruz og Yohei Sasakawa, WHO goodwill ambassadør for lepra eliminering/Styreleder for The Nippon Foundation. 

Første dag var det hovedvekt på den medisinske siden av Lepra, omhandlende behandling, forskning og forebygging. Deretter var det en bolk omhandlende menneskerett og verdighet, og til slutt det å ta vare på og lære av vår historie.

Lepramisjonen var blant annet representert med en poster om vårt prosjekt i India, med operasjon for de med nerveskader i hendene grunnet lepra.

Den 28. februar ble det sendt en webcast fra Universitetet i Bergen i anledningen 150 år siden oppdagelsen av Leprabacillen.

Dette var programmet for webcasten:

February 28th, 1873, was the day Dr. Gerhard Armauer Hansen first wrote in his notebook that he had observed rod-shaped bacteria in samples from patients affected by leprosy. The bacillus in question was later given the name Mycobacterium leprae—leprosy’s causative agent. The discovery is a watershed moment in the history of leprosy and global health—a scientific breakthrough that had enormous consequences.

The anniversary of Hansen’s discovery will not be used to glorify the past. Rather, we take this opportunity to critically assess past achievements, take stock of the situation today, and address the future steps needed to rid the world of this ancient, misunderstood, and treatable disease.

What has happened since the discovery of M. leprae in Bergen 150 years ago, what is happening now, and what does the future hold? How is this history preserved, how it is communicated, and why is the history of leprosy important to its future?

Date: February 28, 2023 (This webcast has ended)
Time: 21:00-22:15 (JST), 13:00-14:15 (CET), 12:00-13:15 (UTC)
Length: 75 min.
Language: English
Organizers: University of Bergen, Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative
Moderator: Prof. Magnus Vollset, Associate Professor, History of medicine, History of science, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway


  • Welcome remarks
    Prof. Margareth Hagen, Rector, University of Bergen
  • Messages from special guests
    Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization
    Dr. Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health, Ethiopia
  • The deep history of leprosy in Norway – social and cultural history
    Ms. Grete Eilertsen, Curator, Leprosy Museum, Bergen
  • Feidie’s lamentation (song)
    Mr. Lars Foss Sørhus, Actor, Bergen City Museum
  • Discovery: Context and consequences
    Prof. Lorentz Irgens, Emeritus professor, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen
  • Hansen’s trial: Legal perspectives
    Prof. Henriette Sinding Aasen, Professor, Faculty of law, University of Bergen
  • Preservation of material history
    Ms. Stine Dornfest, Conservator, Bergen University Museum
  • Bergen Leprosy Archives
    Mr. Yngve Nedrebø, State Archivist, Bergen State Archives
    Ms. Gina Dahl, Librarian, Bergen University Library
  • Testimonies
    Mr. Kofi Nyarko, President, IDEA Ghana
    Ms. Paula Brandão, Coordinator, Morhan Research Center
  • The decendants today
    Mr. Abbi Patrix, Storyteller and Armauer Hansen’s great grandson
  • Message from WHO Goodwill Ambassador
    Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination/ Chairman, The Nippon Foundation
  • Armauer Hansen today & Welcome to the June conference
    Prof. Gottfried Greve, Vice-Rector, University of Bergen
    Prof. Per Sigvald Bekke, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen

Innslag på Dagsrevyen NRK

28. februar 2023


Dette var programmet:

Master of Ceremony: Per Bakke, Dean at the Faculty of Medicine

Music: Studentersangforeningen, tenor Olve Gaugen and pianist Herman Lieberg Christoffersen, the Grieg Academy


  • Margareth Hagen, rector, Universitety of Bergen


  • Tedros Ghebreyesus, director-general, World Health Organization (video)
  • Ingvild Kjerkol, Minister of Health and Care Services, Norway (video)
  • Linn Kristin Engø, Mayor of Bergen

My great grandfather, the family and me

  • Abbi Patrix, storyteller and Armauer Hansen’s great grandson

The discovery: context and impact (conversation)

  • Lorentz Irgens, prof. em., University of Bergen
  • Baard Skogrand, conservator, Bergen City Museum

Leprosy today and how to achieve zero leprosy

  • Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination and chairman, Nippon Foundation

Leprosy today – testimonies

  • Kofi Nyarko, president, IDEA Ghana
  • Paula Brandão, coordinator, Morhan Research Center, Brasil (video)

Today’s challenges, and how they will be met

  • Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health, Ethiopia (video)

Leprosy, ethics and priorities

  • Ole Frithjof Norheim, director, Bergen Center for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health

Leprosy and human rights

  • Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt, executive director, the Rafto Foundation

    Støtt kampen mot lepra!

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    Mandag - fredag

    09:00 - 12:00


    11:00 - 15:00


